Why Not Wear It?

PUBLISHED: June 30, 2017

Agencies are constantly thinking of new ways to make marketing ads more easily accessible to the public. With tech companies pumping out new products each year or sometimes every couple of months, as it were the mode of receiving has shifted. A new trend taking 2017 by storm is “wearables.”

The Apple watch and fitbit are perfect examples of wearables. Rather than having to look at your phone or open up an email, all you have to do is look down at your wrist. With constant notifications wearables have become all the rage. Major tech giants like Apple are not the only ones embracing this trend. The fashion, health and entertainment industry are quickly following suit. Heavy hitters like Disney, Kate Spade, Lufthansa and Nivea have joined in.

Why wearables?

  1. Push notifications: an important component of wearables are the push notifications. These notifications allow the wearer easy access to the website of the ad that appears on their screen. It provides a clear pathway!
  2. Convenience: companies like Lufthansa are taking notice of wearables convenience. For example they are now sending out boarding passes via email. As long as you have the app you can access your boarding pass from your wrist without ever having to take out a phone or tablet.
  3. Tracking: wearables have become an essential tool for tracking, whether it is for fitness or safety. From tracking the number of steps you take in a day to the exact location of your children at any given moment.

Understanding why the public has become so enamored with wearables is critically important to agencies everywhere. Knowing the specific reasons helps agencies better craft the advertising campaigns they send out to the public. Whether it’s a campaign for Nike’s new apparel or an airlines monthly deals. Even though the audience is receiving these ads on a physically smaller scale there is nothing tiny about impact they have generated. An impact that companies everywhere have taken note of.

Published online at Community Newspapers.

About Brand Poets

Founded by Tana M. Llinas, Brand Poets is a collective of strategists, storytellers, and digital artisans crafting smart, poignant campaigns that command attention. www.brandpoets.com


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