PUBLISHED: October 5, 2016
“Corporations don’t create brands. People do. In any crowded marketplace, you have to make a choice. Either have the largest marketing budget than your competitors or be the most fascinating.” That’s the message Sally Hogshead drives home in her latest update to her how-to handbook for making any brand impossible to resist.
Research shows that consumers buy products that fit their lifestyle. They promote, refer, and repeat purchase because the product actually delivers on its promises. These products are part of a family — a nurtured, vibrant, and sometimes rowdy family — called a brand. The brand’s components consist of values, messaging, personality, a common voice down to the body of images and colors associated with the products. Brand’s are lived with and idolized. They ebb and flow; they flex and bend. No two brands are alike.
Is your message getting strong and immediate emotional reactions? Is it creating advocates and starting conversations? Are you setting the bar with your competition? If so, you are on the right path young Skywalker.
Engage your community with a small dose of “wow” by outthinking, not outspending.
Published online at Community Newspapers.
About Brand Poets
Founded by Tana M. Llinas, Brand Poets is a collective of strategists, storytellers, and digital artisans crafting smart, poignant campaigns that command attention.